Governance team at russborough House 01

Who We Are


Governance team at russborough House 04


The Alfred Beit Foundation is a company with charitable status (Registered Charity No. CHY 5940), governed by a board of directors. The board delegates its authority to six sub-committees, which include directors, senior management staff and co-opted advisors, to advise it on specific areas of Russborough’s operations.

These committees are: Curatorial & Education, Strategy Implementation, Parklands, Business & Finance, Audit, Risk, Nominations & Governance, Endowment Management.

The board of the Alfred Beit Foundation comprises twelve members: six are appointed by An Taisce, Irish Georgian Society, National Gallery of Ireland, the Royal Dublin Society, Trinity College Dublin, and University College Dublin, together with six independent appointees.

Board of Directors

Governance team at russborough - Prof. Carthy

Joe Carthy

Prof. Carthy lectures in the School of Computer Science at UCD where he has served as Dean of Science and Head of School. He is a current member of the UCD Governing Authority. He is the founding Director of the UCD Centre for Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Investigation. Prof. Carthy is a board member of two NGOs: CyberSafeIreland and Helping Irish Hosts.

Governance team at russborough House - John Horan

John Horan

has held leadership roles across the Aer Lingus Group, Irish Hotels Federation, and Veterinary Ireland. He served as Chairperson of the National Treatment Purchase Fund (2010–2021) and is currently on the nursing and midwifery regulatory board and the External Director of Active Retirement Ireland. John also chairs Blessington Town Team and holds an MSc in Management Practice from Trinity College Dublin.

Governance team at russborough House - Christine Casey

Christine Casey

Christine Casey, Professor of Architectural History at Trinity College Dublin, is a leading expert in architectural history and craftsmanship. Her notable works include Dublin (2005) and Making Magnificence (2017), the latter earning her the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion. She has led major research projects on 18th-century craftsmanship and currently heads the STONE-WORK project. A member of the Royal Irish Academy, Christine is widely recognised for her contributions to architectural heritage.

Governance team at russborough House - Flor Madden

Flor Madden

Flor Madden is the RDS Nominee to ABF. He is an RDS Trustee, Council Member & Chair of Equestrian Committee. DHS Chief Steward of Safety since 2005, Flor is Assistant Principal & Director of Pastoral Department, Blackrock College CSSp, KHS. Director of Corporate Hospitality and Executive Chairman of Weddings at Home. He is Former Chair, Maynooth University Advisory Board.

Governance team at russborough House - Karen Erwin

Karen Erwin

Karen Erwin is a workplace and commercial Mediator and a former partner in A&L Goodbody, solicitors. She was an Executive Director of The Irish Times, Chairperson of the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority and of The Equality Authority. Karen runs Erwin Mediation Services Ltd and was President of The Mediators’ Institute of Ireland for seven years. She is also a Director of Dublinia and of the Dublin Skin and Cancer Hospital.

Governance team at russborough House - Robin Mandal

Robin Mandal

Robin Mandal, an architect and former President of the RIAI, founded RMA Architecture in 1979 and retired as a director in 2019. Passionate about conservation and sustainable change, he has led initiatives like the RIAI Conservation Accreditation system and is active with Irish Architects Declare. Robin serves on several boards, including the Irish Architects Benevolent Society and An Taisce, and is Vice-President of the International Scientific Committee on Aerospace Heritage.

Governance team at russborough House - Peter O'Grady Walshe

Peter O'Grady Walshe

Peter is a graduate of University College Dublin and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. He is chairman of John Paul Construction and other private companies. Peter worked with KPMG in Dublin, London and Philadelphia and was previously an executive director of NCB Corporate Finance (now Investec). He has been involved in the acquisition of a number of businesses over the last 20 years and has in the past served as an executive director of Paddy Power plc and Xtra-vision Limited.

Governance team at russborough House - Alex Evans

Alex Evans

Alex Evans is Professor and former Dean of Agriculture, and Head of the School of Agriculture & Food Science in University College Dublin. He has recently completed his term as a member of UCD Governing Authority and has broad ranging experiences and contributions to many committees and boards both inside and outside the university. He has degrees from the University of Nottingham, University of Saskatchewan and National University of Ireland. His research and teaching interests are now around the challenges of sustainable agriculture, land use, food production and food consumption.

Governance team at russborough House - Caroline Campbell

Caroline Campbell

Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, is an expert in European art, with a focus on the Italian Renaissance. Previously, she held senior roles at the National Gallery, London, the Courtauld Gallery, and the Ashmolean Museum. Born in Belfast and educated at Oxford and the Courtauld Institute, Caroline has curated numerous international exhibitions and published extensively, including her 2023 book, The Power of Art.

Governance team at russborough House - Ian Lumley

Ian Lumley

Ian Lumley was born in Waterford in 1958 and has taken a lifelong interest in cultural and architectural heritage and landscapes. He has initiated historic building acquisition and restoration projects both in Dublin and London. He is currently Honorary Heritage Officer for An Taisce The National Trust For Ireland. In his role as Russborough trustee he has given particular focus to the enhancement of the Parklands.

Governance team at russborough House - Yvonne Shields O'Connor

Yvonne Shields O'Connor

Yvonne Shields O’Connor, Chief Executive of the Commissioners of Irish Lights, is a Chartered Director with expertise in corporate governance and public-sector relations. She holds a Masters in Environmental Science (Trinity College) and an MBA (DCU). Currently a board member of the Western Development Commission, she has also served on various national and international boards, including the National Research Council for Science, Technology and Engineering.

Governance team at russborough House - Fionnuala Croke

Fionnuala Croke

Fionnuala Croke, Director of the Chester Beatty since 2011, is a museum professional and art historian with over 30 years’ experience. She has repositioned the Chester Beatty as a leading national cultural institution and a hub for global artistic heritage and intercultural dialogue. A graduate of UCD with an MA and an International Executive MBA, she has curated numerous exhibitions and holds qualifications in corporate governance and leadership. Fionnuala has served on various cultural boards and networks, including the Council of National Cultural Institutions and Trinity College’s Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation.

Supports & Partnerships

Supports & Partnerships

We are proud to collaborate with and receive support from a range of esteemed organisations, government departments, and industry bodies that share our commitment to heritage, culture, and tourism. Funding for key projects has been provided by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, the Department of Rural and Community Development, and Wicklow County Council enabling us to enhance and preserve our historic estate.

Our new website has been funded and delivered through Fáilte Ireland’s Digital that Delivers programme, supporting our efforts to improve the visitor experience online. We also work closely with Tourism Ireland, Ireland’s Ancient East and Visit Wicklow to promote cultural tourism, and are members of the Association of Visitor Experiences & Attractions (AVEA) and Historic Houses of Ireland. Additionally, we benefit from the guidance and expertise of The Heritage Council.

These partnerships help us to safeguard our heritage, enhance the visitor experience, and continue to share the rich history of Russborough with the public.

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